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In 2008, The United Methodist Church (UMC) as a denomination committed to join the global fight against malaria, embarking upon a $75,000,000 “Imagine No Malaria” fundraising campaign. To date, The Global Fund has received over $8.5 million in payment from this campaign. UMCOR has directly implemented over $6 million for malaria PROGRAMMING

As the humanitarian arm of The United Methodist Church, UMCOR is called to cultivate partnerships and implement malaria control PROGRAMS across Africa. Our approach includes:

  • Education, prevention and treatment PROGRAMS  for affected communities;
  • Revitalizing health facilities;
  • Supporting hospital and HEALTH CARE  human resource development.

    Fighting Malaria through Health Boards

    UMCOR’s current anti-malaria focus aims to leverage our health systems, partnerships and resources in Africa in order to decrease mortality and morbidity caused by the disease.

    One way UMCOR is doing this is by developing and building capacity of Health Board structures in UMC Annual Conferences across Africa. Strong health facilities enable local communities to develop strategic plans and propose integrated solutions to end malaria and other preventable diseases.

    Health Boards are vital in implementing and growing the national health strategies in the Annual Conferences, which includes malaria control. Currently, there are 13 health boards trained in 16 countries.

    For additional resources about malaria, visit Imagine No Malaria. Find other resources at The Global Fund for AIDS/TB/Malaria and the World Health Organization. Our partners in this effort include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.N. Foundation.

    Grant Opportunities

    The Imagine No Malaria PROGRAM currently provides grants to UMC Health Boards and UMC-affiliated structures in Africa. For information on the Imagine No Malaria program, please contact Dr. Olusimbo Ige, Senior Program Manager for Imagine No Malaria at or

    Gifts to this program via UMCOR Advance #3021190 can make a big difference.

    For additional resources about malaria, visit the Imagine No Malaria website. More resources are available from The Global Fund for AIDS/TB/Malaria, the World Health Organization, and Roll Back Malaria. Our partners in this effort include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.N. Foundation.

    UMCOR Malaria Timeline

    2005: UMCOR’s Malaria Control Program was launched in late 2005 in Sierra Leone and is now operating in various countries around the globe. This program works with communities to form comprehensive plans to combat malaria. At the community level, UMCOR works to eliminate stagnant water and trash around people’s homes. With your help, we are able to provide training, free or low cost medications, consultations, Indoor Residual Spraying, and insecticide-treated nets to individuals and families. UMCOR’s efforts TARGET  pregnant women and children in particular, who are most vulnerable.

    2006: When the United Nations Foundation Nothing But Nets Program launched more than five years ago within the UMC, the concept spread like wild fire throughout the denomination.  Led by our youth in particular, the UMC has raised more than $ 9 million to send life-saving insecticide treated mosquito nets to Africa and join the global fight to prevent unnecessary deaths from malaria. When United Methodist Churches and Annual Conferences contributed to Nothing But Nets programs in Sub-Sahara Africa, UMCOR worked with UMC health teams in Africa to distribute the nets and implement the training follow up programs.

    2008: United Methodists pledged to support a “Global Health Initiative” at General Conference. It was determined that the issue of malaria in Africa would serve as the initial focal or entry point for the larger denominational conversation about health worldwide.

    2010: Since the launch of Nothing But Nets and the Global Health Initiative, we as a denomination have learned more about the complexities of malaria, other related health challenges, and all the issues tied to poverty and development.  In an effort to honor both the enthusiasm of Nothing But Nets, but wanting to do even more for malaria...

    Imagine No Malaria

    The Campaign was launched in April 2010, with a dual celebration in Lubumbashi, DRCongo and Austin, TX. In addition to bed nets, our efforts support other areas in the fight against malaria: environmental clean-up (stagnant water and trash), basic sanitation (latrines and water), treatment, education, training more HEALTH CARE  workers, and improving our existing hospitals and clinics. UMCOR’s role in this campaign is to help UMC health boards and local communities develop strategic plans and propose integrated solutions. All of these efforts will be needed in order to combat malaria and other diseases of poverty in Africa; and United Methodists are responding.

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